Package com.sun.msv.reader
package com.sun.msv.reader
reads XML representation of grammar and creates AGM.
ClassDescriptionThis exception will be thrown when the schema parsing is aborted after all the errors are reported through GrammarReaderController.state that has no children.state that creates ChoiceExp.Internal view of GrammarReaderController.A GrammarReaderController2 may already have a DOM element for an imported schema.interface that must be implemented by the parent state of ExpressionState.Base implementation for those states who read tags representing an expression.State that parses Expression which contains other expressions.Base implementation for those states who cannot have any children.base implementation of grammar readers that read grammar from SAX2 stream.namespace prefix to URI conversion map.Event notification interface for controlling grammar parsing process.state that ignores the entire subtree.state that creates an InterleaveExp.makes sure that the expression does not run away.state that creates SequenceExp.base interface of the most of parsing states.base interface of 'parsing state'.State that always returns the same expression.