Package com.sun.msv.reader.xmlschema
package com.sun.msv.reader.xmlschema
parses XML representation of XML Schema into AGM.
ClassDescriptionA state that can have <anyAttribute > element must implement this interface.used to parse <anyAttribute > element.used to parse <any > element.base implementation of AnyAttributeState and AnyElementState.parses <attributeGroup /> element.used to parse <attribute > element.Processes the attribtue wildcard according to the spec.used to parse restriction/extension element as a child of complexContent element.parses <complexContent> element.used to parse <complexType> element.implementation class for an LSInput where the only data source is an existing DOM element.used to parse <element > element without ref attribute.used to parse <element > element with ref attribute.A schema in a DOM Element.State that parses global declarations.used to parse <group> element.used to parse <unique>,<key>, and <keyref> element.used to parse <import> element.used to parse <include> element.An utility class that reads multiple XML Schema documents and combines them into one schema object.state that parses redefinable declaration.used to parse <redefine> element.used to parse root of schema document.RootIncludedSchemaState + final wrap up.used to parse <schema> element of included schema.used to parse <schema> element.used to parse extension element as a child of <simpleContent> element.used to parse restriction/extension element as a child of <simpleContent> element.used to parse <simpleContent> element.Catch error messages and resolve schema locations.A utility class that reads all the schemas from a WSDL.parses XML representation of XML Schema and constructs AGM.creates various State object, which in turn parses grammar.