All Classes and Interfaces

"anyURI" type.
"base64Binary" type.
DateTimeValueType object that can hold all lexically valid dateTime value.
ITimeDurationValueType implementation that can hold all lexically legal timeDuration value.
"boolean" type.
base class for atomic built-in types; those types which can be used by itself (int,uriReference,string, etc) .
"byte" type.
Formats a Calendar object to a String.
Parses XML Schema date/time related types into Calendar.
command-line tester of datatype library.
Comparable datatype.
base class for types that union/list/atomic.
Datatype interface that supports Java databinding.
Datatype object factory.
DatatypeLibrary implementation for Sun XML Datatypes Library.
Base implementation of facet-restricted datatype
utility functions that creates date/time related objects.
"dateTime" type.
"date" type.
"double" type.
"duration" type.
"ENTITY" type.
"enumeration" facets validator.
Dummy DatatypeLibrary implementation which is used to recover from "unknown datatype library" error.
A dummy datatype that can be used to recover from errors.
"final" component.
"float" type.
'fractionDigits' facet.
"gDay" type.
"gMonthDay" type.
"gMonth" type.
"gYearMonth" type.
"gYear" type.
"hexBinary" type.
Interface as value type of DateTimeType
very limited 'IDREF' type of XML Schema Part 2.
very limited 'ID' type of XML Schema Part 2.
"integer" type.
Value object of "integer" type.
RegExpFactory by the internal copy of Xerces.
"int" type.
interface as a value type of TimeDurationType
"language" type.
"length", "minLength", and "maxLength" facet validator.
List type.
value object of ListType.
"long" type.
'maxExclusive' facet
'maxInclusive' facet
'maxLength' facet
'minExclusive' facet
'minInclusive' facet
'minLength' facet
"Name" type.
"NCName" type.
"negativeInteger" type.
"NMTOKEN" type.
"nonNegativeInteger" type.
"nonPositiveInteger" type.
"normalizedString" type.
"decimal" type.
"pattern" facet validator "pattern" is a constraint facet which is applied against lexical space.
"positiveInteger" type.
Delegates all methods to the base type.
"QName" type.
value object of QName.
Base class of "(max|min)(In|Ex)clusive" facet validator
an interface that must be implemented by caller to provide context information that is necessary to perform conversion from value object to the XML representation.
"short" type.
simple "ur-type" type.
"string" type.
"time" type.
simple time zone component.
"token" type.
'totalDigits' facet.
derives a new type by adding facets.
Unicode-related utility functions.
union type.
"unsignedByte" type.
"unsignedInt" type.
"unsignedLong" type.
"unsignedShort" type.
whiteSpace facet validator
processes white space normalization
Methods in this class are used to determine whether characters may appear in certain roles in XML documents.
This class contains static methods used to determine whether identifiers may appear in certain roles in XML documents.
Publicly accesible interface of W3C XML Schema datatype (simple type).
base implementaion for XSDatatype interface.