Class UnsignedByteType

All Implemented Interfaces:
DatabindableDatatype, Comparator, XSDatatype, Serializable, org.relaxng.datatype.Datatype

public class UnsignedByteType extends ShortType
"unsignedByte" type. type of the value object is java.lang.Short. See for the spec
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getBaseType

      public final XSDatatype getBaseType()
      Description copied from interface: XSDatatype
      gets the base type of this type. This method returns null if this object represents the simple ur-type.

      This method is intended to capture the semantics of the base type definition property of the simple type component, but there is an important difference.

      Specifically, if you derive a type D from another type B, then calling D.getBaseType() does not necessarily return B. Instead, it may return an intermediate object (that represents a facet). Calling the getBaseType method recursively will eventually return B.

      Specified by:
      getBaseType in interface XSDatatype
      getBaseType in class ShortType
    • _createValue

      public Object _createValue(String lexicalValue, org.relaxng.datatype.ValidationContext context)
      Description copied from class: XSDatatypeImpl
      converts a whitespace-processed lexical value into the corresponding value object
      _createValue in class ShortType
    • isFacetApplicable

      public final int isFacetApplicable(String facetName)
      Description copied from interface: XSDatatype
      returns if the specified facet is applicable to this datatype.
      Specified by:
      isFacetApplicable in interface XSDatatype
      if the facet is applicable
      if the facet is already fixed (that is,not applicable)
      if the facet is not applicable to this datatype at all. this value is also returned for unknown facets.
    • getFacetObject

      public DataTypeWithFacet getFacetObject(String facetName)
      Description copied from class: XSDatatypeImpl
      gets the facet object that restricts the specified facet
      Specified by:
      getFacetObject in interface XSDatatype
      getFacetObject in class XSDatatypeImpl
      null if no such facet object exists.
    • checkFormat

      protected final boolean checkFormat(String content, org.relaxng.datatype.ValidationContext context)
      Specified by:
      checkFormat in class XSDatatypeImpl
    • convertToLexicalValue

      public String convertToLexicalValue(Object value, SerializationContext context)
      Description copied from interface: XSDatatype
      converts value object back to the corresponding value in the lexical space.

      This method does the reverse operation of the createValue method. The returned string is not necessarily the canonical representation. Also note that the implementation may accept invalid values without throwing IllegalArgumentException. To make sure that the result is actually a valid representation, call the isValid method.

      Be careful not to confuse this method with The serializeJavaObject method, which is defined in the DatabindableDatatype method.

      Specified by:
      convertToLexicalValue in interface XSDatatype
      context - Context information that will be possibly used for the conversion. Currently, this object is used only by QName, but may be extended in the future.
    • compare

      public final int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
      Description copied from interface: Comparator
      compare to value types and decides its order relation
      Specified by:
      compare in interface Comparator
    • removeOptionalPlus

      protected static String removeOptionalPlus(String s)
      removes leading optional '+' sign. Several Java conversion functions (e.g., Long.parseLong) do not accept leading '+' sign.
    • createRangeFacet

      protected static XSDatatypeImpl createRangeFacet(XSDatatypeImpl baseType, Number min, Number max)
      Apply a range facet.